Your personal data is yours and yours alone. What you record in Even Mind is frankly none of our business. Our business is in building a great product worthy of your time and trust.

To help improve Even Mind, you can share anonymized usage data with us. This data helps us understand how Even Mind is being used in the wild, without compromising your privacy.

For more details on what is and isn’t collected, see the table below. You can adjust this setting at any time from the More→Advanced section of the app.

Included in anonymous usage statistics Never included (always private)
Which screens in the app are being visited.

This usage data helps us prioritize development towards improving the features that users use the most. It also helps us identify areas of the app where the UI may be confusing. | Anything you type or record in the app (your mood & energy, Daily Dose, notes, hashtags, etc.). | | Which features of the app are being used.

Similar to the screens data, this usage data helps us prioritize development towards improving the features that users use the most. We use this to answer questions like: what percent of users set a custom theme? | Any automatically collected personal data. For example, your GPS location or your Apple Health data. | | Device metadata.

This helps us understand the types of devices that Even Mind is running on. It helps us answer questions like: how many users use the iPad version of Even Mind? | Any information that identifies you, such as an email address, phone number, etc.

We have an anonymous feedback form in the app, so you can even send us your feedback without sharing your email address. |